My life verse

"Commit your way unto the Lord; trust in him and he will do this" -Psalm 37:5 NIV

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Holy Bubble

In a March 25 blog post titled 'Church Without a Mission'I was writing about my Intentional Interim Ministry field project. The field project when finished will be the final hurdle in receiving my Intentional Interim Ministry certification from the Center for Congregational Health.

In that blog post I mentioned the church I was working with wanted me to do the field project on Mission. Their request prompted the why question from me because it appeared they had no Mission.

I have been working with the church for about 6 weeks now and have affirmed my initial impression was correct, it is a church without a mission.They remind me a group of christians living in a holy bubble.

The particular church I am referring to meets three times a week and has church for themselves. They are sheltered, protected, and intentionally keep themselves free from what they call "the world". In effect they have isolated themselves from the very people they need to be the salt and light of Christ too.

The church people remind me of what Jonathan, a 22 year old young adult, says in the book by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons title UnChristian Jonathan says "Christians enjoy being in their own community. The more they seclude themselves, the less they can function in the real world. So many Christians are caught in the Christian bubble."

I have been trying to communicate to the particular church people I am working with they are living in this Holy Bubble. I am challenging them to pray, think and become creative with ways they can burst the Holy bubble and become real salt and light in the world for Jesus.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

First Fly Rod Trout

I have been trying to learn the field sport of fly fishing. Yesterday I caught my first brook trout on my new fly rod. Fly fishing is much different than fishing with spin cast The presentation of the fly must appear to the trout as normal, that in itself is a skill to learn. You must also learn to read the water and know where the trout are. Both are skills that am I just beginning to learn the basics. Caught the one pictured on a Green Wooly Buger. Hopefully many more fun days on NC mountain streams.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Monday night at about 11:45 pm Eastern Standard Time the University of North Carolina Tar Heels became NCAA college basketball champions for the 2008-09 season. Being a Tar Heel fan I enjoyed every minute of the celebration. I have watched Tyler, Danny and Bobby, who are now seniors from the time they were freshman; and Ty, Wayne, and Deon came along a year later. Those boys put on quite a show in the championship game, a very impressive display of playing excellent basketball. Now they are champions!

I begin to think about what is a champion. To me a champion is one that stands out above all and wins the prize. A champion demonstrates excellence. A champion has climbed the mountain and now stands on the pinnacle. A champion is one who through hard work, strict discipline, and focused effort, using ones talents and abilities, setting its eyes on the prize, not giving up or giving in, and wins.

As much as I love my tar heels and am glad they won the championship I must say there is a cause greater than basketball to be champion of. Most of all I want to be a champion for Christ. Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…………………” This verse tells me the heavenly grandstands are full of those who have already gone on before cheering me on to victory. They are saying, whatever it takes, it will be worth it to claim the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and win the prize.

I someday want to stand on the mountaintop with Christ as a champion for His cause.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pray for a pastor Friend and his wife. The pastor's wife 85 year old mother was shot and killed in a nursing home shooting rampage in Carthage, North Carolina.

No matter which way you turn an event like this there is no way to understand it. What do we as Christians do when we don't understand?

1.Deal with it one moment, one hour, one day at a time.
2.Realize we may never understand.
3.Keep the situation in God's hands.
4.Stand on the promises of God.
5.Know God's grace is sufficient always.
6.Look up our help comes from the Lord.
7.Stand firm, hold fast to God.
8.Pray without ceasing.
9.Read the Pslams.
10.Trust God no matter what.